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Total Locked YFI
Your Locked YFI
Expiration for the lock
YFI holders, time to Lock' ‘N Load
Lock your YFI for veYFI to take part in Yearn governance.
Please note, governance is currently the only use for veYFI until the full platform launches ‘soon’. Stay tuned anon.
Current lock period (weeks)
Total veYFI
Extend lock
Want to lock for longer? Extend your lock period to increase your gauge boost weight.
Current lock period (weeks)
Increase lock period (weeks)
Total veYFI
Early exit
Or you can exit early by paying a penalty based on lock duration.
veYFI you have
Current lock time (weeks)
YFI you get
Claim expired lock
Claim your YFI from expired veYFI lock.
Unlocked YFI